⚠️Recommended Wallet Usage

Why does MimicGotchi recommend not adding a substantial amount of money to game wallets?

Game wallets are primarily intended for early access registration, NFT minting, and future in-game activities. To minimize risk, users are advised not to keep large sums of money in game wallets. Only transfer the funds necessary for planned activities.

What are the potential risks associated with having a significant balance in game wallets?

While MimicGotchi implements robust security measures, keeping a substantial balance in game wallets may pose a risk. In the event of unforeseen circumstances, it's advisable to transfer excess funds to a more secure wallet.

What steps can I take to secure my funds when using game wallets?

Follow a "transfer as needed" approach. Only add and maintain funds in game wallets that are required for specific activities. Regularly assess your wallet balance and transfer excess funds to a more secure wallet.

Can I use created wallets for general storage of cryptocurrency?

No, created wallets are not intended for general storage. They serve specific purposes related to early access registration, NFT minting, and future in-game activities. Users are encouraged to use dedicated wallets for long-term storage.

How can I stay informed about updates and announcements regarding wallet usage?

Regularly check MimicGotchi's official channels, announcements, and documentation for updates and guidelines on wallet usage. Important information will be communicated to users through official channels.

Where can I find more details about the withdrawal function and wallet recommendations?

Refer to MimicGotchi's official documentation and support resources for comprehensive information on the transfer money function and best practices for wallet usage.

Last updated